Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

This is a new site that's currently running on alpha code. There are going to be bugs. If you discover any, please report them on the site's issues page (GitHub account required). Thanks.

Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

About Box Component FAQ

This page has some frequently asked questions about the DelphiDabbler About Box Component.

If you don’t find an answer then read the component’s documentation. If you still have no luck then you can read how to ask a question.


  1. How does the component load the information it displays?
  2. Any plans to make the component compatible with Unicode Delphis?


How does the component load the information it displays?

There are two ways of providing the information to be displayed in the about box.

The simplest is to simply set the ProgramName, Version, Copyright and Notes properties to the required values. This can be done at design time. For this to take effect ensure that nothing is assigned to the VersionInfo property.

The alternative is to enable the component to get the required information from the program’s version information resources, if they exist.

First, drop a TPJVersionInfo component on the same form as the About Box Component. Leaving all the TPJVersionInfo component’s properties at their default values ensures that it reads your program’s version information resources.

Now set the about box component’s VersionInfo property to reference the TPJVersionInfo component. That’s all you need to do. The about box will now automatically get the text to display from the program’s version information.


Any plans to make the component compatible with Unicode Delphis?

The component has been Unicode compatible since v3.5. If you’re using an older version you need to update it. You will loose support for Delphi 1 though!