Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

This is a new site that's currently running on alpha code. There are going to be bugs. If you discover any, please report them on the site's issues page (GitHub account required). Thanks.

Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

Clipboard Viewer Component Overview

Applies to: ~>2.0

This page provides an overview of the features of the Clipboard Viewer Component. If you are looking for information on programming with the component please see the Programmers’ Guide.

This project provides a single non-visual component that notifies the user when the content of the Windows clipboard changes. This is done by triggering an event.

On versions of Windows that support it, the newer clipboard format listener API is used to monitor the clipboard. On older versions of Windows the older, and less reliable, clipboard viewer API is used instead.

Thanks to Mason Wheeler for providing the more reliable clipboard listener code.