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Applies to: ~>3.0
This demo uses classes from the PJPipe, PJPipeFilters & PJFileHandle. These units are included in the I/O Utitlity Classes download.
If you are not using a Unicode version of Delphi the UnicodeString type must be declared as WideString. Adding the PJPipeFilters unit to the uses statement in the interface will do this for you.
It is possible that you may come across a console application that writes Unicode format text to standard output. In this case, and if you need to read and format the output via a pipe you need to handle it differently than the case where the text is ANSI.
The TPJUnicodeBMPPipeFilter class, from PJPipeFilters.pas, makes this easy, providing the text is all in the Unicode basic multilingual plane. For example, to convert Example 8 to handle Unicode all that needs to be done is to replace occurences of TPJAnsiSBCSPipeFilter with TPJUnicodeBMPPipeFilter and change the type of the string parameter in OnLineEnd event handlers from AnsiString to UnicodeString.
This example is similar to example Example 8: it send the contents of a text file to the console application’s standard input and redirects the output to a pipe, displaying the text read from the pipe in a memo control. The differences this time are that the output is Unicode and we will only redirect standard output, ignoring standard error. If you want to redirect standard error look again at Example 8 and it should be obvious how to do this.
We use our old friend
again. RunningEchoer
with the-u
switch causes the program to write its output in Unicode. Note though that input must still be ANSI text.
Start a new Delphi GUI application. Drop a TMemo and a TButton on the form and add PJConsoleApp, PJPipe, PJFileHandle and PJPipeFilters to the uses statement in the interface section.
Now add the following code to the private section of the form class:
fOutFilter: TPJUnicodeBMPPipeFilter;
procedure LineEndHandler(Sender: TObject; const Line: UnicodeString);
procedure WorkHandler(Sender: TObject);
Notice that the type of the LineEndHandler’s Line parameter is now UnicodeString. Implement LineEndHandler and WorkHandler as follows:
procedure TForm1.LineEndHandler(Sender: TObject; const Line: UnicodeString);
procedure TForm1.WorkHandler(Sender: TObject);
Just as we saw in Example 8, LineEndHandler adds the line of text passed to it in the Line parameter to the memo control. WorkHandler causes the output filter to read the pipe and calls Application.ProcessMessages as usual.
Now create an OnClick event handler for the button control as follows:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
App: TPJConsoleApp;
InFile: TPJFileHandle;
InFile := nil;
App := nil;
fOutFilter := TPJUnicodeBMPPipeFilter.Create(TPJPipe.Create, True);
fOutFilter.OnLineEnd := LineEndHandler;
InFile := TPJFileHandle.Create(
'Input.txt', fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyNone
App := TPJConsoleApp.Create;
App.StdIn := InFile.Handle;
App.StdOut := fOutFilter.Pipe.WriteHandle;
App.TimeSlice := 5;
App.OnWork := WorkHandler;
App.CommandLine := 'Echoer ">>> " -u';
if not App.Execute then
raise Exception.CreateFmt(
'Error %X: %s', [App.ErrorCode, App.ErrorMessage]
First we create the output pipe filter using TPJUnicodeBMPPipeFilter and assign our OnLineEnd event handler. The output pipe is created on the fly in the filter object’s constructor and we give ownership of the pipe to the filter object by passing True
as the constructor’s second parameter.
Next we open the input file for reading. Replace Input.txt
with a reference to a suitable ANSI text file. After creating the TPJConsoleApp object the inheritable file handle is assigned to the console application object’s StdIn property to redirect the file to the console application’s standard input.
Now the console application’s standard output is set to write to the output pipe by assigned the pipe’s write handle to the console application object’s StdOut property. We get the pipe handle from the output filter’s Pipe property, which gives access to the pipe created in the filter object’s constructor.
The next couple of lines have been seen many times before: we set a suitably short time slice and assign the OnWork event handler.
The next two lines execute the console application. This time we are setting the CommandLine property and then calling a parameterless version of the Execute method. In previous examples we have passed the command line as a parameter to Execute. Both are equivalent, we’re just using the property based approach here to demonstrate it. Notice we pass the -u
switch to Echoer
to get the Unicode output.
The remainder of the method just tidies up. Freeing fOutFilter also flushes its text buffer and may cause the OnLineEnd event to fire one last time.
Compile the program and run it. Click the button and watch the output of the program appear in the memo control.
If you want to assure yourself that
run with the-u
switch does indeed output Unicode then run it from a command line window using the following command:
echoer -u <input.txt >output.txt
where input.txt
is a valid ANSI text file (you may need to provide a path).
If you open output.txt
in a text editor like NotePad++ that shows the encoding you should see it reported as Unicode little endian (or UCS-2 LE) with no byte order mark.
Run the command again, this time without the -u
switch, and the text file should be now be reported as ANSI text.