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Console Application Runner Classes Example 7: Redirecting standard i/o using pipes

Applies to: ~>3.0

As useful as redirecting files can be (see Example 6), it is not always very convenient for our application to have to exchange data with a console application by writing input data to a file and then reading a processed file. It is much more useful if we can pass the raw data directly to a console app for processing and to read the processed data back from the console application. We can do this using pipes. It’s more convoluted than using files, but worth it.

To redirect a console application’s input and output we need two pipes:

The read handle of the first pipe and the write handle of the second pipe must be inheritable.

Because working with pipes can be quite complicated we will use the TPJPipe helper class to help simplify things. This class simplifies peeking, reading and writing pipes but and can also create pipe handles that are inheritable.

TPJPipe is included in the I/O Utitlity Classes download in PJPipe.pas.

To see the code working, create a new Delphi GUI application and drop a button and two memos on the form. As with Example 6, Memo1 will receive text to be processed and Memo2 will display the results.

Make sure that the uses statement includes PJConsoleApp and PJPipe then create an OnClick event handler for the button as follows:

Add the following code to the form class’ private section:

    fOutPipe: TPJPipe;
    fOutStream: TStream;
    procedure WorkHandler(Sender: TObject);

Here, fOutPipe is a the TPJPipe object used to pipe processed data from the console application and fOutStream is a stream that receives data from fOutPipe. WorkHandler is an OnWork event handler that is implemented like this:

procedure TForm1.WorkHandler(Sender: TObject);
  fOutPipe.CopyToStream(fOutStream, 0);

This handler simply copies all available data from the output pipe to the output stream. We can’t just wait until the program is over before reading all the data from the pipe, because we don’t know the size needed for the output pipe or the amount of data written to it in one time slice. It is possible that the data will overflow the pipe. The secret is to make the TimeSlice property of TPJConsoleApp small enough, and create the output pipe big enough, to ensure that the console application never fills the pipe between time slices. Experimentation may be required.

Now create an OnClick event handler for the button and complete it as follows:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  App: TPJConsoleApp;
  Text: string;
  InPipe: TPJPipe;
  fOutStream := nil;
  fOutPipe := nil;
  // Write memo 1 contents as Ansi text into read pipe. Must be ANSI text
  // because Echoer.exe requires Ansi input.
  Text := Memo1.Text;
  InPipe := TPJPipe.Create(Length(Text));
    InPipe.WriteData(PChar(Text)^, Length(Text));
    // Create out pipe and stream that receives out pipe's data
    fOutPipe := TPJPipe.Create;
    fOutStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
    // Execute the application
    App := TPJConsoleApp.Create;
      App.TimeSlice := 2; // forces more than one OnWork event
      App.OnWork := WorkHandler;
      App.StdIn := InPipe.ReadHandle;
      App.StdOut := fOutPipe.WriteHandle;
      if not App.Execute('Echoer "--> "') then
        raise Exception.CreateFmt(
          'Error %X: %s', [App.ErrorCode, App.ErrorMessage]
    // Load data from output stream into memo 2: Echoer.exe writes output as
    // ANSI text. OK on Unicode Delphis because following LoadFromStream call
    // defaults to Default (ANSI) encoding if no encoding specified.
    fOutStream.Position := 0;

First of all we create the input pipe of the required size and write the contents of Memo1 to it. We call the pipe’s CloseWriteHandle method when all the data is written to it. This effectively signals end-of-file on the pipe. Without this the console application would endlessly wait for more data when all the pipe data had been read.

Next we create the output pipe (with default size) and the stream to receive output. As we have seen, the pipe’s data is copied to the stream in WorkHandler. It is because they are used in this separate method that we declare fOutPipe and fOutStream as fields of the class rather than as local variables of Button1Click.

Now we choose a small value for TimeSlice, and set the StdIn and StdOut properties to the appropriate pipe handles before executing the application.

Finally we load Memo2 from the output stream.

Once again this example uses the Echoer.exe console application from Appendix 2. Any programs that reads ANSI text from standard input and writes ANSI text to standard output can be substituted.

Run the program. Type some text in Memo1 and click the button to see the processed text appear in Memo2, this time without writing any intermediate files.