Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

This is a new site that's currently running on alpha code. There are going to be bugs. If you discover any, please report them on the site's issues page (GitHub account required). Thanks.

Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

MD5 Message Digest Unit Documentation


This is the home page for the on-line documentation of the DelphiDabbler MD5 Message Digest Unit project.

This project provides a single class that is designed to make it easy to get an MD5 message digest of data in several different formats. It also provides a data structure that encapsulates an MD5 digest and provides methods to manipulate and compare it.

The unit is:

Supported Versions

This documentation applies to MD5 Message Digest Unit v1.

The v0.x beta releases are no longer supported and there is no documentation available.
