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Project: MD5 Message Digest Unit
Unit: PJMD5
Class: TPJMD5
Applies to: ~>1.0
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes; const StartIdx, Count: Cardinal):
TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes; const Count: Cardinal):
TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const Buf; const Count: Cardinal): TPJMD5Digest;
class function Calculate(const S: RawByteString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const S: ShortString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const S: WideString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const S: UnicodeString;
const Encoding: TEncoding): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const S: UnicodeString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const Stream: TStream;
const Count: Int64): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const Stream: TStream): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
There a several different overloaded versions of the Calculate method, all of which are class methods that return a TPJMD5Digest record containing the digest of some specified data.
The methods provide a useful shortcut when all you need to do is create an MD5 hash of a single data item such as a stream, a string or a byte array. You can do this with just one call to Calculate - there is no need to create a TPJMD5 instance.
The disadvantages are:
Similar groups of methods are described below:
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes; const StartIdx, Count: Cardinal):
TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes; const Count: Cardinal):
TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const X: TBytes): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
These methods generate a MD5 digest from a TBytes array.
Create an MD5 digest of an eight element array of bytes:
Digest: TPJMD5Digest;
A: TBytes;
A := TBytes.Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
Digest := TPJMD5.Calculate(A); // MD5 of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
Create an MD5 digest of the middle four bytes of an eight element array of bytes:
Digest: TPJMD5Digest;
A: TBytes;
A := TBytes.Create(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8);
Digest := TPJMD5.Calculate(A, 2, 4); // MD5 of 3,4,5,6
class function Calculate(const Buf; const Count: Cardinal): TPJMD5Digest;
Calculates a digest from Count bytes read from untyped buffer Buf. Buf must contain at least Count bytes.
Assume you have an array of long word values for which you want the MD5 hash. Here’s a function that gets it for you:
function MD5OfLongWordArray(const A: array of LongWord): TPJMD5Digest;
Result := TPJMD5.Calculate(A[0], SizeOf(LongWord) * Length(A));
class function Calculate(const S: RawByteString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
Calculates a digest from the ordinal values of the characters of an ANSI string S. S can have any code page.
Create an MD5 digest of an AnsiString containing the text Hello World
Digest: TPJMD5Digest;
S: AnsiString;
S := 'Hello World';
Digest := TPJMD5.Calculate(S);
class function Calculate(const S: ShortString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
Calculates a digest from the ordinal values of the characters of a short string S.
class function Calculate(const S: WideString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
Calculates a digest from the ordinal values of the WideChar characters of the WideString parameter, S.
class function Calculate(const S: UnicodeString;
const Encoding: TEncoding): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const S: UnicodeString): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
Each of these methods creates a digest of a Unicode string S. Before processing the string it is converted to a sequence of bytes. The first version uses the encoding passed in the Encoding parameter to perform the conversion while the second version uses the TEncoding.Default encoding.
class function Calculate(const Stream: TStream;
const Count: Int64): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
class function Calculate(const Stream: TStream): TPJMD5Digest; overload;
This pair of methods calculate a digest from the bytes read from stream Stream. Bytes are always read from the current position in Stream. Both methods modify the stream’s Position property.
The first version reads Count bytes from the stream. If Count is greater than number of bytes available then an EPJMD5 exception is raised. The second version reads to the end of the stream, processing Stream.Size - Stream.Position
The stream is read in chunks. The size of a chunk is given by the TPJMD5.DefReadBufferSize constant. This buffer size cannot be changed. If you need to change the buffer size you must create a TPJMD5 instance, set the buffer size using the ReadBufferSize property, then use the appropriate Process method.
Create an MD5 digest of a TStream referenced by Stm. We write the ASCII characters Hello World
to the stream and then get the MD5 of various parts of the stream.
Digest1, Digest2, Digest3: TPJMD5Digest;
Stm: TStringStream;
Stm := TStringStream.Create('Hello World', TEncoding.ASCII);
// get digest of ASCII chars 'Hello World'
Stm.Position := 0;
Digest1 := TPJMD5.Calculate(Stm);
// get digest of ASCII chars 'llo'
Stm.Position := 2;
Digest2 := TPJMD5.Calculate(Stm, Int64(3));
// get digest of ASCII chars 'World'
Stm.Position := 6;
Digest3 := TPJMD5.Calculate(Stm);