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Equal operator overloads

Project: MD5 Message Digest Unit

Unit: PJMD5

Class: TPJMD5

Applies to: ~>1.0

class operator Equal(const D1, D2: TPJMD5Digest): Boolean;
class operator Equal(const D: TPJMD5Digest; const B: TBytes): Boolean;
class operator Equal(const B: TBytes; const D: TPJMD5Digest): Boolean;
class operator Equal(const D: TPJMD5Digest; const S: string): Boolean;
class operator Equal(const S: string; const D: TPJMD5Digest): Boolean;


TPJMD5Digest defines five overloads of the = operator that permit TPJMD5Digest variables to be tested for equality with:

Equality with other TPJMD5Digest records

Two TPJMD5Digest records are considered equal if all elements of their LongWords array fields are the same.


  D1, D2: TPJMD5Digest;
  D1 := TPJMD5.Calculate('Foo');
  D2 := TPJMD5.Calculate('Foo');
  Assert(D1 = D2);
  Assert(D2 = D1);

Equality with Unicode strings

A TPJMD5Digest record is considered equal to a Unicode string if:

  1. The string is 32 characters long – and
  2. The string contains only valid hexadecimal characters (both upper and lower case letters A to F are permitted) – and
  3. The sequence of bytes represented by the string is the same as the bytes of the TPJMD5Digest record’s Bytes field.

Unicode example

  S = 'd174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f';
  D: TPJMD5Digest = (
    Bytes: (
      $D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
      $A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
  Assert(S = D);
  Assert(D = S);

Equality with TBytes byte arrays

A TPJMD5Digest record is considered equal to a TBytes array if:

  1. The byte array has 16 elements – and
  2. The bytes of the byte array are the same as those of the TPJMD5Digest record’s Bytes field.

TBytes example

  D: TPJMD5Digest = (
    Bytes: (
      $D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
      $A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
  A: TBytes;
  A := TBytes.Create(
    $D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
    $A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
  Assert(A = D);
  Assert(D = A);


Although a byte array with more than 16 elements can be assigned to a TPJMD5Digest, the two items do not compare equal:

  D: TPJMD5Digest;
  A: TBytes;
  A := TBytes.Create(
    $D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
    $A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F,
    $00, $FF  // 18 elements
  D := A;
  Assert(not(D = A));

This is because the “overflow” bytes from the byte array are discarded when assigning to the TPJMD5Digest record.

See Also