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Project: MD5 Message Digest Unit
Unit: PJMD5
Class: TPJMD5
Applies to: ~>1.0
class operator Implicit(const D: TPJMD5Digest): string;
class operator Implicit(const S: string): TPJMD5Digest;
class operator Implicit(const D: TPJMD5Digest): TBytes;
class operator Implicit(const B: TBytes): TPJMD5Digest;
TPJMD5Digest defines four implicit casts:
class operator Implicit(const D: TPJMD5Digest): string;
This cast creates a string representation of the digest. The string is the well known 32 character hexadecimal representation, for example d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
which is the MD5 digest of the empty (ansi) string.
This cast is particularly useful because it enables a TPJMD5Digest to be rendered as text. Just reference a TPJMD5Digest instance in a string context and the digest is automatically converted to a string.
D: TPJMD5Digest;
D := TPJMD5.Calculate('foo');
ShowMessage('MD5 of "foo" is: ' + D);
class operator Implicit(const S: string): TPJMD5Digest;
This cast enable you to assign a string to a TPJMD5Digest variable.
The string must hold a hexadecimal representation of a MD5 digest. It must be exactly 32 characters long and be comprised only of valid hexadecimal characters. Both upper and lower case A
are permitted. If the string is invalid a EPJMD5 exception is raised.
The digest’s data is set to the bytes represented by the hex digits.
S = 'd174ab98d277d9f5a5611c2c9f419d9f';
D: TPJMD5Digest = (
Bytes: (
$D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
$A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
Digest: TPJMD5Digest;
Digest := S;
Assert(Digest = D);
class operator Implicit(const D: TPJMD5Digest): TBytes;
This cast allows a digest’s data to be assigned to a TBytes array. The digest’s data is copied into a new 16 element TBytes array.
D: TPJMD5Digest = (
Bytes: (
$D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
$A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
A, Arr: TBytes;
A := TBytes.Create(
$D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
$A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
Arr := D;
Assert(ArraysEqual(Arr, A));
Note that ArraysEqual is assumed to be some function that tests equality of two byte arrays.
class operator Implicit(const B: TBytes): TPJMD5Digest;
This cast allows you to assign a byte array to a variable of type TPJMD5Digest.
The array of bytes must have at least 16 elements otherwise a EPJMD5 exception is raised. Bytes are copied directly from the array elements into the digest’s data without change. If the length of the byte array is greater than 16, only to first 16 elements are copied.
D: TPJMD5Digest = (
Bytes: (
$D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
$A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
Digest: TPJMD5Digest;
A: TBytes;
A := TBytes.Create(
$D1, $74, $AB, $98, $D2, $77, $D9, $F5,
$A5, $61, $1C, $2C, $9F, $41, $9D, $9F
Digest := A;
Assert(Digest = D);
Although a byte array with more than 16 elements can be cast to TPJMD5Digest, such an array will always test as unequal to the digest.