Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

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Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

OffsetLeft property

Project: Message Dialogue Components.

Unit: PJMessageDialog.

Class: TPJVCLMsgDlg

Applies to: ~>3.0

property OffsetLeft: Integer;


The effect of OffsetLeft is determined by the value of the Align property as follows:

Align property value Effect of OffsetLeft
mdaScreenOffset Sets horizontal offset of dialogue box from left hand side of screen.
mdaScreenCentre No effect: property is ignored.
mdaFormOffset Sets horizontal offset of dialogue box from left hand side of owning form.
mdaFormCentre No effect: property is ignored.

OffsetLeft is used in conjunction with OffsetTop.

The default value of the property is 0.