Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

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Example #8: Deleting resources

We can delete all resources from a resource file simply by calling the Clear method of TPJResourceFile. In addition to deleting the resources Clear also frees all the TPJResourceEntry instances.

  ResFile: TPJResourceFile;
  // Assume ResFile is a valid resource file object
  // Delete all resources and free them

A single resource can be removed from the resource file using the TPJResourceFile.DeleteEntry method. This checks if the resource file contains the resource and removes it from the file if so. However, the resource entry object is not freed. While this behaviour may be useful at times, it is not recommended for geral use. The preferred method is simply to free the resource entry instance. Freeing a TPJResourceEntry object automatically removes it from the resource file.

So, to remove a single resource, ResEntry, from the resource file use the following code:

  Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
  // Assume ResEntry references a valid object
  // Delete the object from its resource file and free it
