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FileFlags property

Project: Version Information Component

Unit: PJVersionInfo

Class: TPJVersionInfo

Applies to: ~>3.0

property FileFlags: DWORD;


Use this read-only property to get information about the release attributes of a file.

FileFlags holds information (as a bit-set) about the attributes of the file as specified in the fixed file information part of a VERSIONINFO resource.

File flags information is also provided by the dwFileFlags member of the VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure which can be accessed using the FixedFileInfo property.

The bit set can contain any of the following values:

Flag Description
VS_FF_DEBUG File contains debugging information.
VS_FF_INFOINFERRED Some of the members in this structure may be empty or incorrect.
VS_FF_PATCHED The file is not identical to the original file with the same version number.
VS_FF_PRERELEASE The file is a development version.
VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD The file is not a standard release. If this flag is set then the PrivateBuild† property may yield further information.
VS_FF_SPECIALBUILD The file is a variation of a standard release with the same version number. If this flag is set then the SpecialBuild† property may yield further information.

The VS_FF_XXX constants are defined in the Windows unit.

The FileFlagsMask property determines which of the bits in this flag are valid.


† The PrivateBuild and SpecialBuild properties are aliases of the StringFileInfo[] property when passed 'PrivateBuild' and 'SpecialBuild' respectively as index parameters.