Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

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Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

Example 3: Using translation, character set and language properties

Applies to: ~>3.0

This example shows how to use the translation, character set and language properties of TPJVersionInfo to display details of the language and character set for all translations in a file’s version info. The example assumes the application contains version information. If this is not the case then a message to that effect is displayed in the list box.

Drop a TListBox and a TPJVersionInfo component on a form and add the following OnCreate event handler to the form:

procedure TEgForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  I: Integer;
  // loop thru all translations
  if PJVersionInfo1.HaveInfo then
    for I := 0 to Pred(PJVersionInfo1.NumTranslations) do
      // make the current translation current
      PJVersionInfo1.CurrentTranslation := I;
      // add language and char set info to the list box

          'Language: %s (%0.4X) -- CharSet: %s (%0.4X)',
          [PJVersionInfo1.Language, PJVersionInfo1.LanguageCode,
          PJVersionInfo1.CharSet, PJVersionInfo1.CharSetCode]
    ListBox1.Items.Add('NO VERSION INFO');

When the form is displayed details of languages and character sets for each translation are displayed in the list box.