Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

This is a new site that's currently running on alpha code. There are going to be bugs. If you discover any, please report them on the site's issues page (GitHub account required). Thanks.

Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

Filter property

Project: Drop Files Components.

Unit: PJDropFiles.

Class: TPJFormDropFiles

Applies to: ~>5.0

property Filter: TPJFileFilter;


References a file filter component that is used to filter the names of dropped files.

The referenced component filters the dropped files and stores only those files that pass through the filter. The filter component must descend from the TPJFileFilter abstract base class. Various TPJFileFilter descendants perform different kinds of filtering. Those supported in this release are:

Any files that pass the filter are then passed to the OnFileFilter event, if handled.