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While the code in the Resource File Unit does not understand the various resource data formats it does assist in reading, adding, updating and deleting the raw resource data.
The following properties and methods of TPJResourceEntry are useful in reading, adding, updating and deleting the raw data:
In the following section we show how manipulate data using these properties and method.
The following code fragment shows how to read all the data from a resource entry to a buffer using the Data property.
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
Buf: PByte;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
// Create buffer of required size
GetMem(Buf, Entry.DataSize);
// Make sure resource data stream at start
Entry.Data.Position := 0;
// Read all resource data into buffer
Entry.Data.ReadBuffer(Buf^, Entry.DataSize);
// Rewind data stream again
Entry.Data.Position := 0;
// Do something with Buf
// Release buffer
We first set the buffer to the required size by getting the size of the resource from the TPJResourceEntry’s DataSize [~>1.1] property (you could also use the Data.Size property). We now ensure the resource data stream is positioned at the start (you can’t assume this!) then read all the data into the buffer using TStream’s ReadBuffer method. We then reposition the stream ready for the next use. Having processed the data in the buffer in some way we finally free it.
It may be more convenient to copy the resource data to another stream before processing it. The next example illustrates this by storing the resource data in a file named ResEntry.dat
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
FS: TFileStream;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
// Open stream onto new file
FS := TFileStream.Create('ResEntry.dat', fmCreate);
// Copy resource data to file
FS.CopyFrom(Entry.Data, 0);
Entry.Data.Position := 0;
// Close the file
Here we first open a stream onto a new file. We then use TStream’s CopyFrom method to copy the whole of the resource data to the file stream. By specifying a size of 0
in the CopyFrom method, TStream automatically positions the resource data stream at the start and copies the whole stream, so we don’t need to position it first. Once again we reset the resource data stream once we are done.
Depending on how you want to manipulate the resource data it may be much simpler to use the DataBytes [~>1.1] property to get an array of bytes to manipulate. Here’s an example that is so simple it is hardly worth giving:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
Bytes: TBytes;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
Bytes := Entry.DataBytes;
// Do something with Bytes
The simplest way to delete the data is to call the TPJResourceEntry.ClearData [~>1.1] method:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
In v1.0 of the Resource File Unit there is no direct way to clear the data. It is still very easy to do though. Simply set the data stream’s size to 0
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
Entry.Data.Size := 0;
Note: You must set the Size property of the entry’s Data property here: you can’t set the DataSize [~>1.1] property since it is read only.
We can add data to an existing resource quite simply. Let us first look at how to overwrite any existing data and then show how to append data to an existing resource. For the purposes of this example, assume we have a user defined resource that stores some plain text. Entry is a TPJResourceEntry object that references our resource. We will replace any existing data with the text 'Hello World'
First of all we use the Data property:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
Text: string;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
// Delete any existing data
Entry.Data.Size := 0; // in v1.1 use Entry.ClearData instead
// Write the required text
Text := 'Hello World';
Entry.Data.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Text)^, Length(Text) * SizeOf(Char));
// Position data ready for reading
Entry.Data.Position := 0;
That’s well and good when you want to write the text in its native encoding. When you want to write the text in another encoding, say UTF-8, that is when the DataBytes [~>1.1] property really helps. Assuming you are using Delphi 2009 or later you can replace any existing data with the text 'Hello World'
, using UTF-8, like this:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
Entry.DataBytes := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes('Hello World');
Now let’s look at how we add more text to the end of the resource data using the Data property. We will appended the text ''
to the end of some existing text in the resource:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
Text: string;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
// Move to end of existing data
Entry.Data.Seek(0, soFromEnd);
// Write new text
Text := '';
Entry.Data.WriteBuffer(Pointer(Text)^, Length(Text) * SizeOf(Char));
// Reposition stream to start
Entry.Data.Position := 0;
Here we move the stream pointer to the end of the stream so the text we write is appended to any existing data.
A similar thing using can be done using the DataBytes [~>1.1] property. Assume the existing text is in UTF-8 and were want to append text in the same format. To do this we have to read the existing text, append the new text and then write the whole string back again, as follows:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
Text: string;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
Text := TEncoding.UTF8.GetString(Entry.DataBytes)
+ #13#10'';
Entry.DataBytes := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Text);
Finally, you can add data to a resource’s data by loading it directly from file using the LoadDataFromFile [~>1.1] method. This method can either replace a resource’s current data with the content of a file or append the content of the file to the current data.
Here’s an example:
Entry: TPJResourceEntry;
// Make sure Entry references a resource object
// Replace any existing resource data with content of file Foo.dat
Entry.LoadDataFromFile('Foo.dat', False);
// Append content of file Bar.dat to resource data
Entry.LoadDataFromFile('Bar.dat', True);
Suppose Foo.dat
contained the ASCII string 'forty-two'
and Bar.dat
contained the ASCII string 'fifty-six'
then after running the above code then
the resource data would contain bytes that, when converted to an ASCII string,
would read forty-twofifty-six