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Binary Version Information Manipulation Units Programmers’ Guide

Applies to: ~>1.0


This section of the Binary Version Information Manipulation Units documentation describes the API exposed by the units to programmers.


🔐 Units and classes marked with the lock icon should be treated as private. Anything considered “private” may change without notice and will not cause a major version bump should this happen. “Private” items are not documented any further here.


Unit Description
DelphiDabbler.Lib.VIBin.Resource Contains all the primary class you need to interact with to manipulate binary version information. Depends on DelphiDabbler.Lib.VIBin.VarRec.
DelphiDabbler.Lib.VIBin.VarRec 🔐 Contains support classes required by DelphiDabbler.Lib.VIBin.Resource. These classes should not be accessed directly.


Class Description
TVIBinResource Class that provides read and write access to binary version information.
TVIBinVarRec 🔐 This class encapsulates a general version information record and exposes properties for the key record elements.
TVIBinVarRecA 🔐 Sub class of TVIBinVarRec that implements a generalised ANSI version information record.
TVIBinVarRecW 🔐 Sub class of TVIBinVarRec that implements a generalised Unicode version information record.
EVIBinResource Class of exception raised by TVIBinResource and descendants.
EVIBinVarRec Class of exception raised by TVIBinVarRec and descedants.


Type Description
TVIBinResourceType Enumeration that specifies whether a version information resource is 16 or 32 bit.


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