Welcome to the new DelphiDabbler Code Library Documentation.

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Warning: Many URLs are going to change. Refer to the README file to discover which library project's documentation has been completed.

Position property

Project: About Box Component

Unit: PJAbout.

Class: TPJAboutBoxDlg

Applies to: ~>3.6

property Position: TPJAboutPosition;

type TPJAboutPosition = (abpScreen, abpDesktop, abpOwner);


The Position property determines whether the CentreDlg, DlgTop and DlgLeft properties act relative to screen, desktop or owning form. Valid values for the property and their meanings are as follows:

Value Text
abpScreen The dialog is positioned relative to the screen.
abpDesktop The dialog is positioned relative to the desktop’s work area (this takes into account the taskbar and toolbars).
abpOwner The dialog is positioned relative to its owner - usually the form on which the component is dropped. If the component has no owner, or the owner is not a window control, then this setting has no effect and positioning is per abpScreen.

The default value is abpDesktop.